Monday, November 30, 2009

The grass is always greener...

I was lying face up on the lawn in the backyard beneath my favorite tree... I don't even remember what kind it was... thinking about the long day of packing we had just endured, how tomorrow we would leave our pretty blue haven near the vineyards, and noticing for the millionth time how peaceful the grass and trees become in the early evening. The ocean breeze was blowing the trees softly above my head, the sun showing signs of setting (the most beautiful part of the day back at home), and I was alone on the lawn... tired, a little sad, and... with my camera.
A camera's ability to entertain is endless. "Oh look! A tree above my head! Let's take a picture." Suddenly you see how much more beautiful a simple tree can be when it is focused upon. Grass is suddenly what your depth of field has been daydreaming about, and sunglasses are now models (but sunglasses have an endless reputation for being making people look 'cool', so it's no wonder that they're so cool all on their own ;-).
I'm rambling. It's getting late, that's why I'm letting the romance surface slightly onto the blog. Tomorrow I'll regret it. How I make myself laugh. :-)

Maybe I'll put up my "better" grass pictures later. That sounds funny.

Longing for the days of summer

I love the sun. That's all I have to say for now. I miss it. That, and my ocean also.

Who can resist a goggle wearing blonde boy?
(I can't)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Little Dude

He flirts with me every Sunday across the aisle of the church building. He shunned me for a little while at first, but I think I might have won his heart after he won mine...I believe this is attachment.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Her Little Man

Sisters are often guilty of having a dangerous amount of fun with big cameras.

Just Breathe

I'm crazy in love

Today my lovely camera wielded it's irresistible charms upon my heart and caused me to fall head over heels for it's comradeship once again. I love photography. Love it. I am certainly not the best, I am very inexperienced, I am pathetically untechnical, but I still love the art of taking photos. It's thrills me. Something about downloading the millions of shots that you can take in a very short time, organizing them, editing them, gazing at them, owning them... it is by far one of my favorite things to do. Looking at the work of others is crazy fun. Learning how I can improve is awesome. Finding someone who shares my passion for this art is so exciting. I can't wait to learn more. So bear with me. :)

Comrade in Arms

Liz. That's all I am going to say.
(p.s. Notice the Canon insignia. Shocking!!!)

Thursday, November 5, 2009


So, which is better of the two? I love this shot because I think it looks totally vintage. :) ...and... if you're reading this, you probably know me; and if you know me, you know that I like vintage. Alot. No, le bebe is not angry, she just makes very serious and studious faces (like her mama...), which I think is hilarious. I suppose she'll be quite the deep thinker in time.

Wow! Crazy Auntie Hannah sure does get excited whenever she puts that big black shiny thing with the clicking noise in my face!

Happiness! Love it!